Monday, March 30, 2009

Let the experiment begin!

So i finally got around to a project a good friend of mine has been pushing me to do, blogging about music to kinda of get me more immersed in it. So let's begin this experiment eh? Don't mind the name of the blog, i just went with something rather then waste hours trying to be clever and whatnot. I may change it right now, i figured I would rather have content over style at the moment.
So the first part is to lay down the foundation I suppose. Again things are still more in the planning stage then anything and i don't really have a structure set down. So pretty much anything that comes to mind regarding music will go up here and any time i feel like updating it really. Once I work out the kinks i'll let you kids know, hopefully this thing takes off somewhat. I'll definitely have reviews of albums i'm listening to, the critic in my couldn't do anything less. I don't know if I'll have a score system or anything yet, right now I am going to focus simply stating what I do and don't like about the album and whether I would recommend it or not. I'll do my best to thorough and back up my opinions with concrete examples so you can get a sense of what I'm talking about. Also I'll try to avoid using obtuse language and fluff that really doesn't mean anything more then window dressing. Just remember this is all opinion writing..really gut check stuff. I won't try to make my view the definite one or say that others aren't valid, i just want to put another perspective out there and explore music as well.
I'll try to review concerts too but I don't know how well those will go. I tend to be pretty drunk at those things, so i tend not to remember much of the set list and sometimes I forget the bands as well. With those I'll try to do more of an impression of the atmosphere, the band, and whether it was worth the money I spent or not. Again not sure how well those will go as alcohol tends to warp perception as we all know heh.
Outside of reviews I'll just write about things that interest me in the happenings of music or simply share a musing or two about music. I am definitely keeping to that realm and will actively work to keep within those bounds.
For a sense of what kinds of things you will mostly see in here I'll give some of my music background. Rather then tell you what I listen to genre-wise (i really hate the way genres in music are defined sometimes) i'll list my top 5 albums.

1. "Dear Apollo I'm Burning Star IV Volume 1: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness" By Coheed and Cambria
2. "Gordon" by Barenaked Ladies
3. "Nevermind" by Nirvana
4. "The Wall" by Pink Floyd
5. "Commit This to Memory" by Motion City Soundtrack

That should give a taste of the music I tend to enjoy. If ya need more then visit my myspace at In fact I will let that define me as a person too. There you can see my limited ability to play guitar (sometimes I can even make music come out of it, if i try hard enough. ) As well as other things too tedious to write in this little introduction that is already too long for my taste.

I'll try to have my first review up soon, actually listening to the album I'm going to review right now. And while I tend to be pretty stuck in my ways about music, I am willing to give any band a chance. Even country or rap, which are the genres I tend to avoid. So if you want me to review something or even just check it out let me know or send me some and I'll get on that! Just know that if I don't like it I am going to say so cause I honestly listen to albums. In fact my first listen through an album I just sit and take it in. That way if you ask me why I hate a band or song I can say "cause I listened to them and here is why".

So here's to the beginning of this little experiment...hopefully you guys enjoy it.

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