Sunday, November 28, 2010

Your nothing special..just a skeleton key.

Well this week hasn't been too terribly exciting, amazon has been having crazy sales on their site and one of them has been five MP3 albums everyday for $1.99 each for that day. Unfortunately I either had the album or just wasn't really that interested in the album even for that price. I did manage to pick up two albums though that peaked my interest. The first one was Weezer's new album Hurley and I have to say it makes me sad. The album is okay, there are some decent songs, but they don't even sound like Weezer anymore. Ever since albums like Maladroit, Rattitude, and now this I just feel like Weezer has become very inaccessible to me. They went to a very strange experimental place that doesn't really suit my taste and makes me avoid their new albums and go back to the old ones like Blue and Green albums. It just seems like Rivers Como has gone of the damn deep end and sadly those that enjoy original Weezer are just left behind.
Another band that suddenly jumped back into rotation is Margot and the Nuclear So and So's. Specifically I've been listening to The Dust of Retreat album as honestly it is their strongest album in my opinion. It's one of those albums where their elements just seem to come together and is actually one of my favorite albums of all time. A lot of songs about lost love, betrayal, and all the feelings that can come between couples with some genuinely thoughtful lyrics. It also reinforces the fact that I tend to like the first album a band puts out, there are many exceptions to this rule but i would say a good 65% of the bands i listen to I tend to like their first album the best.
Got around to listening to another album bought through Amazon's daily MP3 deal Minotaur by The Clientele. They are a indie folkish band that are okay but honestly kind of washed over me and wasn't remembered very well. They aren't a bad band but there is nothing that really stands out about them. Their music just kinda happens, you enjoy it, and then your done. I am satisfied with paying $2.99 for them as i wouldn't have checked them out otherwise. If you need more folk music in your collection you could do worse.
The last music i've really listened to is the other album i picked up during the Black Friday week album sale which was Kaliedoscope Heart by Sara Bareilles. It's a decent sophomore effort though again it's a singer with who I prefer her first album over this second one. The thing about her is I like her voice and she can have pretty catchy songs. In this second album i feel like she went a little more mainstream pop and kinda lost me somewhat, i was more into her jazzy vocals and slow songs than her sugary sweet pop songs. It's not a bad album either though, she can still definitely sing, it's just her lyrics and a direction have gone downhill to me. Oh well $1.99 makes this an easier pill to swallow for sure.
And that is pretty much it for this week, other than that it's mostly been the podcast and of course The Giant Bombcast as well. Until Next week...

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