Sunday, December 19, 2010

"I think i'll go to Boston...think I'll start a new life"

Well this week i started out by continuing the trend of last week. A lot of old school Green Day for one, I forgot just how good Nimrod is. It was such a great follow up to Dookie and I can listen to it all the way through over and over again. Catchy hooks, actually more mature lyrics on some songs, and that typical Green Day swagger pulls it all together. It's just another reminder of how ridiculous their new rock opera persona is, especially when this is worlds better then anything they have produced recently.
Also still diving into 00's revival of garage rock with The White Stripes, The Hives, The Vines, Jet, and a little bit of the The Strokes. I still love that crunchy guitar sound with simple power chords and fusing that with Beatles-esque lyrics and simple song structures. It's just a good time with these kinds of bands and that really reels me into their kind of music.
Then i diverged a bit and dove into some Augustana. I don't know what really prompted me to start listening to them but all of a sudden i couldn't stop. Both of their albums are great and they have great songwriting abilities. It's weird because unlike a lot of music that talks about relationships, love, and life in general these have a hopeful edge rather then downturn other artists take. They are still heartfelt, soulful, and really reach into you but you get the sense that they can be overcome and worked though. Also the band puts on a great live show, they have a pretty good presence and definitely sound like their albums. I look forward to further albums from this band and are easily one of my top bands ever.
Also been playing Jimmy Eat World's first album Bleed American. Another album from my youth that stands up today. Really good pop-rock with some very in depth lyrics and a fantastic lead singer. This album is another one I can listen all the way through and enjoy every minute of it. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for decent rock music as it delivers the goods time and time again. Oddly i haven't jumped into their other albums as well, probably due to my penchant of usually preferring a bands debut album.
That pretty much brings me to the close of this week, I just recently discovered Ken Devine's solo stuff and i am starting to dig into that as it's really good acoustic music. I may report more on that next week, we'll see where my listening tastes take me.

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