Sunday, January 2, 2011

Oh what a joy it is to be free.

So it's been a lot of singer/songwriters lately for me thanks to Kevin Devine's album Brother's Blood. That turned out to be an excellent purchase and i really want to dive into more of his catalogue. He does a lot with finger picked chords and subtle shift and hammers in his music while also giving deep and though provoking lyrics. Especially the song "All of Everything, Erased", which I immediately set to learning and can play the basic shape of it if not all the little flourishes he adds as he plays. He has a very Death Cab feel to him and it definitely resonates with me.
Like I said i dived into a lot of singer/songerwriters due to that purchase and i forgot how good John Mayer is. His first album is actually pretty smartly written with catchy riffs and some very simple but heartful lyrics. He is a better guitar player then people give him credit for and his voice is strong. I haven't really listened to his other albums but i still gotta give him props as that first album is good stuff and i am willing to admit that.
Of course more Right Away, Great Captain and Manchester Orchestra as I love music from the brain of Andy Hull. He has become one of my favorite musicians with his gift of simple yet powerful songs and very insightful lyrics. His range is amazing and his guitar work is another benchmark i aspire to in my own playing and could see him influencing me from here on out. If you like bands like Brand New, Death Cab for Cutie, and Dashboard Confessional you should give either Right Away, Great Captain or Manchester Orchestra a listen to as it seems like the evolution of such bands.
Luke Pickett also makes his way back into my rotation, someone my brother got me into. He has an amazing voice and when paired with his guitar style brings a lot of emotion to the table. Strong strong hooks in his songs and some of the most poignant lyrics i've heard in a long time. If you didn't know better you would almost think you were listening to a girl but it's just his huge range and no one backing him up. I keep looking around for more of his music and encourage anyone else to do the same.
Also Iron & Wine is a unique and awesome singer/songwriter as well. With a very distinct voice and simple melody style he easily gets into your head. A breathy almost whispery voice gives his words some emotion and have definitely been a compliment to my pensive or contemplative moves. He can also hit you with some very catchy riffs as well and it's a treat when he incorporates the banjo into his more upbeat songs. Another artist to watch as he continually puts out great music.
Those are the ones I think stand out as far as the smattering i've been listening to. Damien Rice, Bob Dylan, Bad Books, and a few others have also been in the rotation. Also picked up the Mass Effect 2 And Enslaved soundtracks as well. I highly recommend both as not only are they fantastic games but are also scored well. I like that video game soundtracks have the same production values as movie soundtracks and evoke the same feelings. A piece of music can easily bring to mind a particular scene, character, or set piece in a game just as it would in a movie. Enslaved in particular is great as it marries Eastern Orchestral work with Wester digital beats in a very interesting way. And that about sums up my music listening for now, we shall see where they wander to next time.

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